Variance In Accounting

Last Updated :

21 Aug, 2024

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Dheeraj Vaidya

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What Is Variance In Accounting?

Variance in Accounting is the difference or variation between actual and standard costs. It could also be the difference between the budgeted and actual costs. Depending on whether the actual result was better or worse than projected, variations can either be positive or negative.

Variance In Accounting

The concept of variance refers to tracking differences between budgeted and actual income or expenses and their effects on an entity's performance. Variance reporting is employed to control a corporation effectively and eliminate inefficiencies. It offers insights into how successfully a company reaches its goals or expectations, making it a useful tool for monitoring and evaluating financial performance.

  • Variances in accounting refer to deviations in actual results compared to expected or budgeted amounts, which provides useful insights into financial performance.
  • Various variances include budget, labor, overhead, expenditures, etc. Each serves a different purpose in terms of accounting analysis and investigation.
  • It promotes performance evaluation, cost control, informed decision-making, and goal-setting. However, there are potential drawbacks, including unnecessary focus on numbers, timing and frequency challenges, subjectivity in assumptions, and the need for additional context.
  • Overall, variance analysis is a valuable tool to assess performance, but it should be used alongside other measures and considerations to understand financial outcomes comprehensively.

Variance In Accounting Explained

Variance in accounting refers to the variation or difference between forecasted or budgeted amounts and the actual amounts incurred or achieved. It is commonly used to compare predictions and real outcomes across business operations. Favorable variances indicate better-than-expected performance, while unfavorable variances indicate a shortfall compared to expectations.

If the resulting variance is positive, it signifies a favorable outcome, meaning the actual results exceeded expectations, such as lower costs or higher revenues. In contrast, if the variance is negative, it indicates an unfavorable outcome, implying that the actual results fell short of the forecasted amounts, such as higher costs or lower revenues. Unfavorable variances are an opportunity for analysis and improvement.

Common reasons for variance include ineffective processes, unfavorable workplace circumstances, subpar tools, measurement errors, mishaps, improper equipment maintenance, or natural disasters. However, predicting and addressing variations brought on by circumstances beyond the company's control is difficult.

Variance analysis is the next step after finding variances. It entails evaluating outcomes in light of prior performance data, industry benchmarks, and best practices to thoroughly assess a company's success. It can identify areas for improvement or excellence at several levels, including projects, divisions, product lines, or the entire organization.

Supporting staff motivation initiatives and conducting suitable performance reviews are significant advantages of the process. Companies can set goals, recognize top performers, and motivate people and teams to work harder for better outcomes. This can be done by tracking and reporting variations, which helps promote overall performance and accelerates business growth.


The types of variances have been discussed in this section.

  • Material Variance: Material variance measures the discrepancy between the actual used material cost and the standard cost of the materials required for production. It can be further bifurcated as indirect and direct material variance in accounting.
    • The term indirect material variance in accounting describes the difference between the expected cost of indirect materials utilized in production or operations and the actual cost of those items.
    • A direct material variance in accounting calculates the difference between the expected cost of direct materials for a certain output level and the actual cost of materials utilized. It helps assess the efficacy and efficiency of material consumption in manufacturing processes, considering elements like material costs and usage rates.
  • Budget variance: The difference between the actual financial outcomes and the expected or budgeted amounts or numbers is referred to as budget variance in accounting. The difference between actual sales, costs, or other financial metrics and the corresponding expected values that give useful information about a company's financial performance can be evaluated through budget variance in accounting.
  • Expenditure variance: The difference between actual expenses incurred and a planned or budgeted expense is an expenditure variance in accounting. The variance in expenditure for particular expenses like supplies, utilities, or overhead costs is evaluated using expenditure variance in accounting. It helps evaluate the success of cost-control strategies and locate pockets of excessive or insufficient spending.
  • Labor Variance: This term refers to the difference between the amount of labor used and the amount that would normally have been used or was expected to be used.
  • Overhead Variance: It calculates the difference between the actual and standard overhead costs a company incurs for business operations. The overhead variance analysis is particularly useful during project management.
  • Sales Variance: This variance indicates the difference or target mismatch between the actual revenue from sales and the expected or budgeted sales revenue. This is a crucial parameter that every company measures to understand how it can boost sales and generate revenue.


Calculating variances in accounting is simple. The formula is given below:

Variance = Forecasted Amount - Actual Amount

This formula applies to different variances, such as labor, pricing, or material usage. The variance is determined by subtracting the actual amount from the forecasted amount.

The calculation helps determine whether the difference is within the acceptable variance in the accounting range. The acceptable variance in accounting standards or values is a set of universally accepted numbers in a given industry. They ensure standardized comparisons.


Here are a few examples to enable readers to understand the concept in detail.

Example #1

Let us consider a hypothetical example. Dan is an accountant working for XYZ Manufacturing. He conducts variance analysis as part of the various analyses executed to determine the company’s financial performance. With this, Dan aims to identify areas for improvement or development. He does this by identifying the causes of variances and taking the necessary action by comparing the actual incurred expenses and income with the projected numbers.

Dan observes a substantial labor variance in one of the production divisions. Further research reveals that the labor hours were less than standard hours. Dan examines the causes of this variation to see if there was an increase in breaks taken or if there were production process inefficiencies. Based on his findings, Dan recommends changes across certain strategies, including labor scheduling, process enhancements, and cost-cutting techniques, to resolve the variance and boost overall effectiveness. Such measures would bring in profits later.

Example #2

Suppose a manufacturing company, ABC Ltd, sets a standard overhead rate of $10 per direct labor hour. The budgeted direct labor hours for a particular production run are 1,000 hours, resulting in an expected overhead cost of $10,000. However, during the production run, the actual overhead cost incurred amounts to $12,000.

Using the given values, we calculate the variance (shown below).

Variance = Forecasted Amount - Actual Amount

Overhead Variance = $10,000 - $12,000  = -$2,000

In this hypothetical example, the overhead variance is -$2,000, indicating an unfavorable situation. This means the actual overhead cost was $2,000 higher than the expected overhead cost based on the standard rate and direct labor hours. An unfavorable variance suggests that the actual overhead cost exceeded the expected overhead cost, given the standard rate and actual direct labor hours.

Analyzing this unfavorable variance can help the company identify cost-saving techniques. The company can check if cost-cutting measures need to be implemented. It allows management to make decisions and take corrective actions if necessary.

Advantages And Disadvantages

Variance in accounting has its own set of benefits along with a few limitations, which users must be aware of before they finally decide to use it. Let us have a quick look at both pros and cons of this technique:


  • Performance evaluation: Variance analysis helps assess the performance of various divisions, products, or cost centers by contrasting and comparing actual outcomes with anticipated or budgeted numbers.
  • Cost control: Cost control helps companies find cost overruns or savings, enabling management to respond appropriately and keep costs under control.
  • Overall control: When cost and performance are evaluated, particularly by external entities like auditors, businesses are required to present the causes for deviation. This helps various entities analyze business performance for specific purposes. 
  • Decision-making: Variance analysis offers insights into the causes of deviations from expected results, enabling managers to take appropriate corrective actions and efficiently allocate resources.
  • Goal-setting: Variance analysis facilitates the establishment of reasonable objectives and standards for future performance by developing budgets and objectives.


  • Overemphasis on numbers: An excessive focus on numbers could result in a restricted view that neglects other critical performance factors like customer satisfaction or quality.
  • Tracking: Regular tracking and reporting are necessary for variance analysis, but doing so might take a lot of time and money for organizations with limited resources, especially for small businesses.
  • Assumptions: Since assumptions and estimates established throughout the budgeting process may contribute to subjectivity or bias, the accuracy of the analysis depends on their correctness.
  • Clarity: It may be necessary to conduct extra analysis and interpretation if differences or deviations alone do not fully explain the underlying reasons or outside factors influencing or affecting performance.
  • Errors: Errors are part of every analysis process, and sometimes, they appear in the final results and lead to misinterpretation. This may hamper the way a company’s financial and operational performance is presented, resulting in an inaccurate picture of the business.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How to calculate volume variance in accounting?

In accounting, volume variance is computed by multiplying the standard price per unit by the difference between the actual sales or production volume and the planned or anticipated volume. The formula to calculate volume variance is volume variance = (actual volume - budgeted volume) * standard price set per unit.

2. How to calculate material variance in accounting?

The standard cost of the expected materials and the actual cost of the materials used can be compared to determine material variance in accounting. Price variation (variation in cost per unit) and quantity variance (variation in utilization or quantity of materials) are the two main components of material variance.

3. How to calculate efficiency variance in accounting?

Efficiency variance, also known as the variances in resources (labor, materials, or variable overheads). The formula for efficiency variance is Efficiency Variance = (Standard Hours Allowed - Actual Hours) * Standard Rate.

4. What is purchase price variance in accounting?

In accounting, the difference between the standard or projected cost of items and the actual cost paid for such materials is referred to as the purchase price variance.

This article has been a guide to what is Variance In Accounting. Here, we explain its types, formula, examples, advantages, and disadvantages. You may also find some useful articles here -