Related Party Transactions

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Depending on the entities involved in the hierarchy of the organization the related party transactions disclosure changes. Let us understand these different types through the discussion below.

  • Transactions with the Subsidiary company, Associate, and Joint Venture;
  • Transactions with Directors, Key Persons, Relatives of Directors, and Key Persons.
  • Transactions with Relatives of Owner of Entity.


Let us understand the concept of related party transactions policy in depth through the examples below.

Example #1

ABC Ltd. has investment and holds 26% Shareholding of CDE Ltd. And CDE ltd. Hold shares 51% of EFG ltd.


Company CDE ltd is an Associate Company of Company ABC ltd as it has more than 20% shareholding of Company CDE ltd. Accordingly, transactions between these companies, i.e., ABC ltd and Associate Company, i.e., CDE ltd, are to be disclosed in the Financial Statement of Company ABC ltd. and at the time of preparation of consolidated Financial Statements.

All the related parties' transactions among ABC ltd., CDE ltd., and EFG ltd. are to be recorded in Financial Statement because EFG ltd. is a subsidiary company of CDE ltd. and CDE ltd. is an associate company of ABC ltd.

Example #2

Company A has a 70% Shareholding of Company B. Company A sold the goods $5 Million to Company B during the Financial Year.


Company A is holding Company of Company B as it has more than 51% Shareholding of Company B and Transactions between Holding Company, i.e., A, and Subsidiary Company, i.e., B, to be disclosed in the Financial Statement of Company A and at the time of preparation of consolidated Financial Statement.

Above Example, Company A shall disclose the related party transaction in its financial statement and its nature.


Even though these transactions are advised to be carried out at an arm’s length, they have significant advantages from the organization and entities’ point of view. Let us understand them through the points below.

  • Status of Relationships between Related Parties should be disclosed whether there have been transactions between them or not.
  • If a company has had any related party transactions during the financial year, all such transactions shall be disclosed in the financial statements.
  • Related party transactions and their balances with another company in a group to be shown in a company's financial statements. Intra-group transactions and balances are to be written -off at the time of accounting of consolidated financial statements of the group.
  • It should be transacted at arm's length price (The price on which goods are sold to unrelated parties).
  • An entity should disclose key management personnel compensation in total so that Shareholders can get all the relevant information about key management personnel compensation.

Advantages & Disadvantages

Let us understand the advantages and disadvantages of related party transaction policy through the explanation below.


  • The entity may benefit from such transactions if family relatives hold significant ownership of the entity. For example, a company that sells the finished goods to its related party at a cost price may not sell at that price to another customer.
  • It should be disclosed separately in Financial Statements for better representation.
  • Related parties may enter into transactions that unrelated parties may not.


  • An entity can have losses from such transactions if family relatives do not hold significant entity ownership.
  • Management can suppress such transactions and may gain in doing so.
  • Financial Statements should be disclosed separately for better representation; otherwise, financial statements will provide an untrue and unfair view.
  • These transactions could harm the statement of profit or loss and the financial position of an entity.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How are transactions involving related parties handled?

Transactions between related persons and other activities of GST Schedule I will be treated as supply even if made without any consideration under Schedule I of the GST Act.

How do you recognize transactions involving related parties?

Through investigation, examination, and review processes, related parties and transactions are discovered. It is possible to find previously hidden related party relationships and transactions by identifying and analyzing large, unusual transactions and transactions involving executive authority.

Who are covered under related party transaction?

The phrase "related-party transaction" describes a deal or arrangement between two parties connected by an earlier business connection or shared interest. Companies often seek business deals with parties they are familiar with or have a common interest.