Privacy Policy

This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) is created by WallStreetMojo for the Users and visitors of the website  (“Website”).
WallStreetMojo (hereafter referred as “we”/“us “/“our”) operated by Ms. Shweta Pant Vaidya. The Privacy Policy herein mentioned, is to govern the information taken and used by us through our Website. We are committed to developing a technology that protects the privacy of Users and provides for safe and secure experience.
For the sake of accessibility, the Privacy Policy is being made available on our Homepage and wheresoever personal information will be asked. Hereinafter, to avail or access any services and/or using the Website/Platform including all the information, tools and services uploaded or made available therein shall be collectively referred as “Services”.
As used herein, “Users” shall mean anyone who uses or accesses the Website/ Services /Platform on any computer, mobile phone, tablet, console, or other device (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Device”).
You are encouraged to read this Privacy Policy regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of your information from time to time to keep yourself updated with the changes & updates that are made to this Policy.
This Privacy Policy describes our privacy practices for the Website, products and services that are linked to it. However, this policy does not apply to those affiliates, partners and other linked websites that can be directed through our website and have their own privacy policy. In such situations, we recommend that you read the privacy policy on the applicable site.
By accessing or using any version of the Website/Platform, you signify that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by this Privacy Policy of the WallStreetMojo and any other applicable law.
This Policy forms an electronic contract within the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 (“IT Act”), the rules made thereunder and the amended provisions pertaining to electronic documents/records in various statutes as amended by the IT Act, from time to time. This Policy does not require any physical, electronic, or digital signature.
This Policy shall, at all times be read and construed in consonance and along with the terms and conditions of use and access of the Website/Platform (“T&C”).
Collection of Information
“We” may during the course of the User’s usage of the Website collect the following personal and non-personal information and such other information from the Users for accessing the Website/Platform (“Information”) for purpose of communication or interaction on the Website/Platform or combination thereof, as may be required from time to time. The Website/Platform collects or can request for the below mentioned Information from the Users.
Personal Data
Through “our” Website, “we” will not collect “user(s)” personal data (e.g. your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address), unless you voluntarily choose to provide us with it (e.g. by registering or by Login or by Signing up), respectively, provide your consent, or unless otherwise permitted by applicable laws and regulations for the protection of your personal data.
Purpose of Use
When you (“user”) do provide us with personal data, we usually use it to respond to your inquiry, provide you access to specific information. Also, to support our client relationship with you, we may store and process personal data and share it (if necessary), to better understand your user requirements and how we can improve our services.
Hereby, “we” will rely on the provided personal information of “our” Users only for the purposes which is/are directly related with the original purpose in regard of which it was collected for.
Non-Personal Data Collected Automatically
When you access our Web sites, we may automatically (i.e., not by registration) collect non-personal data (e.g. type of Internet browser and operating system used, domain name of the Web site from which you came, number of visits, average time spent on the site, pages viewed). We may use this data and share it with our worldwide affiliates to monitor the attractiveness of our Web sites and improve their performance or content.
Communications or Utilization Data
Through your use of telecommunications services to access our Web site, your communications data (e.g. Internet protocol address) or utilization data (e.g. information on the beginning, end and extent of each access, and information on the telecommunications services you accessed) are technically generated and could conceivably relate to personal data. To the extent that there is a compelling necessity, the collection, processing and use of your communications or utilization data will occur and will be performed in accordance with the applicable data privacy protection legal framework.
Protection of Information and Confidentiality
  1. The Users’ information is maintained by WallStreetMojo in electronic form on its equipment, and on the equipment of its employees. Such information may also be converted to physical form from time to time. WallStreetMojo takes all necessary precautions to protect your personal information both online and off-line, and implements reasonable security practices and measures including certain managerial, technical, operational and physical security control measures that are commensurate with respect to the information being collected and the nature of the WallStreetMojo business.
  2. No administrator at WallStreetMojo will have knowledge of your login details. It is important for you to protect against unauthorized access to your login details, your WallStreetMojo and your mobile phone. Be sure to log off from the Website/Platform portal when finished. WallStreetMojo does not undertake any liability for any unauthorized use of the user account and its login details. If the User suspect any unauthorized use of your account, the user must immediately notify WallStreetMojo by sending an email to The User shall be liable to indemnify the WallStreetMojo due to any loss suffered by it due to such unauthorized use of the user’s account and its login details.
  3. WallStreetMojo makes all User information accessible to its employees, agents or partners and third parties only on a need-to-know basis and binds only its employees to strict confidentiality obligations.
  4. Notwithstanding the above, WallStreetMojo is not responsible for the confidentiality, security or distribution of the User’s information by our partners and third parties outside the scope of our agreement with such partners and third parties. Further, WallStreetMojo shall not be responsible for any breach of security or for any actions of any third parties or events that are beyond the reasonable control of WallStreetMojo including but not limited to, acts of government, computer hacking, unauthorized access to computer data and storage device, computer crashes, breach of security and encryption, poor quality of Internet service or telephone service of the User etc.
  5. Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, we will keep the User’s personal information private and will not share it with third parties, unless we believe in good faith that disclosure of the User’s Personal Information or any other information we collect about the User is necessary to:
    • comply with a court order or other legal process;
    • protect the rights, property or safety of WallStreetMojo or another party;
    • enforce our Terms of Use; or
    • respond to claims that any posting or other content violates the rights of third-parties.
  6. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, WallStreetMojo shall not be held responsible for any loss, damage or misuse of the Information caused to the User, if such loss, damage or misuse is attributable to an event beyond the control of or attributable to WallStreetMojo or a force majeure event.
  7. WallStreetMojo shall use the Information collected from the Users in accordance with applicable laws including but not limited to the IT Act and the rules made thereunder and use the Information only for the purpose for which it was furnished.
Necessary Cookie
The Website/Platform send cookies (small files containing a string of characters) to your computer/mobile/or any device, thereby uniquely identifying your browser. Cookies are used to track your preferences, help you login faster, and aggregated to determine user trends. This data is used to improve offerings, such as providing more content in areas of greater interest to a majority of users.
We also use third party cookies to provide our users with better services and enhance our advertisements on other websites as well as on Website in respect of the relevant courses.
Thus, under no circumstance shall WallStreetMojo be held liable for breach of privacy by such third party website nor shall it be liable for any objectionable content that may be displayed on such third party website. The Website/Platform may contain links to other websites; However, every user agrees and acknowledges that the Website/Platform shall not be responsible for the privacy practices of other third party websites which it does not own, manage or control.
This Privacy Policy shall not apply to any information voluntarily disclosed by the Users to other Users of the Website/Platform or third parties.