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Earmarking Meaning

Earmarking refers to a fund allocation practice in which an entity, a government, or an individual sets aside a determined amount of funds to use for a specific goal. It can be done either via collective or individual decisions.


Businesses and governments earmark funds as part of their budgeting processes, whereas individuals use it as mental accounting. For example, an individual might set aside money to buy a gift, while a politician may set aside funds to construct a power plant.

  • Earmarking means setting aside some amount of money from the total funds and then using it for a stated purpose later.
  • The term originated from the livestock industry but was incorporated by the U.S. government in congressional appropriations.
  • Individuals and corporations can also earmark funds for personal savings and finance purposes.
  • Wasteful earmarking of funds focused on helping small regions or a group of people elected by the politicians in these regions is known as pork-barrel spending.

Earmarking Explained

The concept of earmarking of funds is simple to explain as it means setting some money aside. But its uses in different contexts vary enough to give it some complexity. The concept was first used in the livestock industry. The cattle that would be set apart for specific purposes was marked on the ear, which created the term โ€œearmark.โ€

The terminology was later adopted by the U.S. government and different spheres of society. So, for example, a company can earmark some of its revenue to upgrade its sales department. At the same time, the government could use specific funds to create public schools in a particular region.

One obvious distinction is how these institutions use these funds. Also, the level of commitment and how freely they interact with the earmarked funds varies. Sometimes, both companies and governments can spend earmarking money on something. However, mostly, they cannot do it without special permission.

Another detail about earmarking is that the definition needs to be clarified. In its report in 2006, the Congressional Research Service noted that the U.S. government lacked a single description of what the term meant.

The researchers took data from several documents between 1994 and 2005. They noted that sometimes it is defined as funds for specific programs, while in others, it is for specific projects, locations, or institutions. So, the lack of coherence was visible.


Let us check some of the most popular examples.

Types of Earmarking

#1 - Agriculture & Livestock Industry

As stated before, the concept of earmarking of funds comes from the livestock industry. Even today, some livestock and agriculture companies do it. However, today they are less likely to mark animals by their ear, and farmers are using more sophisticated processes to do it, such as having different facilities to store animals used for a specific purpose.

#2 - Bankruptcy

In bankruptcy law, the concept of earmarking is evoked when a third party lends money to the debtor to allow it to pay off its debt. That money is automatically earmarked. So, the entity that filed for bankruptcy cannot simply decide to spend the funds in another way. It needs to use them for that purpose only.

#3 - Politics

When a politician decides to set aside 10% of the budget for development aid to build roads in the two major cities of a state, it is a case of earmarking order. The funds can only hire contractors and purchase materials to build the road.

#4 - Social Science

The concept has its uses in social sciences too. In this context, the work of American sociologist Viviana A. Zelizer, The Social Meaning of Money, gives an example of how individuals use this concept.

According to Zelizer, people do not treat all their money the same way and keep some as earmarking money some for social purposes.

#5 - Banking

In the case of banking, we can see an example when someone pre-determines an amount of money that should be set aside in their account to pay for something. For instance, someone might ask the bank to separate money as collateral for something, such as buying property.


Some cases of earmarking is as follows:

For instance, the announcement of over 4,000 earmarks worth $13 billion in congressional appropriation bills for the fiscal year 2022 by the U.S. government was led by Joe Biden.

The money earmarked to pay their bills or buy a gift for a loved one will be more important than the money they will use for more frivolous uses.

Earmarking Vs Pork Barrel

Earmarking may be an efficient tool to allocate funds. However, sometimes politicians are not focused on helping everybody. Instead, they target only certain portions of society that voted for them or sponsored their campaigns. In these cases, pork-barrel spending occurs.

Generally, one can divide ethical earmarking from unethical pork-barrel spending. While the first will benefit a large portion of the population, the latter will benefit only a handful of individuals or entities with political ties.

For instance, if a politician keep a earmarking amount to build a road that most people in town use, they will be doing it right. However, if they use the money to construct a road that leads to a specific corporation that was a major campaign donor, they would almost certainly be accused of pork-barrel spending.

It is imperative to comprehend that pork-barrel spending is often a derogatory term used for earmarking that is not well done. Therefore, someone can call a specific law an example of clean earmarking order, while others, often in the opposition, may call it pork-barrel spending.

Most of the controversy surrounding pork barrels is a part of corruption. Some groups, such as the Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW), are among the leading opponents of pork-barreling in the U.S. Congress.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is an earmarked payment?

Amounts from the overall funds can be set aside and later used for a specific purpose through earmarking. The phrase first appeared in the livestock sector, but the U.S. government used it in congressional appropriations.

For what are earmark funds used for?

Setting money aside for a particular use is the practice of earmarking. The phrase is used in various circumstances, such as when Congress appropriates public monies for activities like mental accounting.

What are earmarking assets?

All loans and investments you have when you issue participating securities you obtain while the participating securities are outstanding. In addition, any non-cash assets you receive in exchange for such loans and investments collectively constitute "Earmarked Assets."