Create Button Macro In Excel

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What Is Create A Macro Button In Excel?

We Create A Macro Button In Excel to assign the Macro code and make it interactive, easy to access, and save time. Once the coding is complete, we execute the program to get the job done.

An interactive button can perform many activities in the worksheets. Therefore, once the programming is done, we can assign that work to one of the buttons so that the given job will be executed by click of the button.

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Key Takeaways

  • The Create Button Macro in Excel help us save time while using Macros or to execute them.
  • We write a Macro, save it, and every time to execute the code, we must open it from the VBA Editor and press the Run command.
  • When we create a button and assign an existing macro to it, with just the click of that button, we can Run the Macro code avoiding the steps we just saw.
  • We can create a button using any shapes available in the “Insert” tab, or the Form Controls or the ActiveX Control buttons from the “Developer” tab.

3 Methods To Create Button In Macro Excel

We can create a button in three methods in Excel, namely:

  1. Using Shapes.
  2. Using Active X.
  3. Form Control in Excel.


We will consider specific examples for the methods to Create Button Macro in Excel.

Example #1 - Using Shapes

Using the “Shapes” feature in Excel, we can insert a wide variety of shapes, and also format them.

Before inserting shapes, below is the macro we had written to filter values in the below data.

Create Button Example 1

We have data in columns from A to E. In the G2 cell, we have created a drop-down list of all the card types, and the card type that we choose in the G2 cell should be filtered out in the data. For this, below is the excel macro code we have written.


Sub Filter_Values() Dim LR As Long Dim LC As Long Dim Rng As Range LR = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row LC = Cells(5, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column Set Rng = Cells(5, 1).Resize(LR, LC) Rng.AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:=Range("G2").Value End Sub

Upon running the above code, it will filter the values which are selected in the cell G2 cell. Every time we must open the Visual Basic Editor, and run the code.

So, now we will insert shapes to assign the macro.

Follow the below-given steps to assign macro to shape.

  1. We must first go to the “Insert” tab in Excel and find the “Shapes” option.

    Create Button Example 1-1

  2. Once we click on the “Shapes” drop-down list, we see many shape options. Select any of the shapes and draw on the worksheet.

    Create Button Example 1-3

  3. After adding the shapes, we need to enter some text values, so right-click on the shape and choose “Edit Text.”

    Create Button Example 1-4

  4. We must enter the text as we would like to convey the message to the user.

    Create Button Example 1-5

    It is the default view of the shape.

  5. We can format the shape under the “Format” tab.

    Create Button Example 1-6

  6. Once the proper formatting is given to the shape, we need to click and choose “Assign Macro.”

    Create Button Example 1-7

  7. Once the proper formatting is given to the shape, right-click and choose “Assign Macro.” Next, we must select the macro we want to assign to the shape.

    Create Button Example 1-9

  8. Now click “OK”. Currently, the macro has been assigned to the shape.

    We see the hand pointer indicating the click option when we hover on the shape. If we click, it will execute the assigned macro, and the value in cell G2 will be filtered.

    Create Button Example 1-11

Example #2 - Using Form Control Shapes & Active X

We will consider a combined example for the other 2 methods, Form Control Shapes & ActiveX.

Under the developer tab, we have an option called “Insert”. Under this, we have “Form Control” and “ActiveX Control.”

Use Form Control 1

From â€śForm Controls”, we will select the â€śButton” option.

Use Form Control 1-1

Then, draw this on the worksheet, and immediately we will get a list of macros.

Use Form Control 1-2

We must choose the macro we want to assign and click “OK”, to close the above window.

As a result, now, a button is created to run the macro.

Use Form Control 1-3

Like this, we can create a button in Excel to execute the macro.

Important Things To Note

  • The Active X Control button requires further coding knowledge, so not covered in this article.
  • The basic difference between “Shape” and “Form Controls” is the formatting and style they look like.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


How to enable the Developer tab?

Arrow down filled

How to Add the Macro button to the Excel ribbon?

Arrow down filled

The Create Button Macro in Excel is not working or is greyed out.

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