Broker of Record

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Broker Of Record Definition

A broker of record (BOR) is a person an insured individual designates to oversee and represent their insurance policy. This agent receives all notices, communications, and quotes from the insurer on the insured’s behalf. Moreover, they may suggest making changes to an existing insurance policy.

Broker Of Record Definition

Essentially, a BOR serves as a middleman between the insurance company and the insured. By designating a BOR, policy holders can reduce the expenses associated with an insurance policy. Moreover, individuals can save the time required to manage the policies. A BOR may work with an insurer or independently. They receive a commission from the insurance company for the services offered.

  • A Broker of Record is an individual the insured selects to manage and oversee policies and represent them before the insurance provider. The agent also suggests making changes to an existing policy if necessary.
  • A BOR evaluates the offerings of different insurance providers in the market and selects a company’s policy that is best suited to an individual’s needs. This way, the insured can save money and time.
  • A BOR receives a commission from insurance providers in return for their services.
  • Unlike a BOR letter, a letter of authorization does not give an agent the right to negotiate with an insurance provider on the policyholder’s behalf.

Broker Of Record Explained

Broker of record meaning refers to an agent who is given the responsibility by the insured to manage and oversee their insurance policy. This agent represents the insured before the insurance company, negotiates with the latter, and receives notices, quotes, etc. In addition, a BOR can suggest changes that would benefit the insured and prevent them from making wrong decisions.

A BOR is a retail broker;they might work with insurance providers directly. Alternatively, they might work with wholesale brokers. In the latter case, a BOR has relationships with various insurance carriers and has extensive knowledge regarding the policies available. Accordingly, these agents can help individuals find an insurance policy best suited to their requirements.

Independent agents earn commissions or feesfrom multiple insurance providers. In contrast, affiliated agents earn from the affiliated company only.

Broker Of Record Letter

A BOR letter or form is a document that legally establishes the relationship among the insurance provider, insured, and the agent.

Insurance companies need a BOR letter to know whom the insured has designated to represent and manage their policy. Hence, before a BOR deals with an insurer on the insured’s behalf, there must be a formal agreement among the three. This letter must include certain details, such as the name of the chosen agent, the name of the plan, and the terms concerning termination.

Individuals can look at the broker of record letter templates online to get a clear idea regarding this document.

A policyholder requires a BOR letter for the following reasons:

  • To terminate their relationship with the current broker, suspending the agent’s ability to communicate with the insurance company on their behalf.
  • To state the appointment of a new agent, giving the person the right to represent the insured before the insurance provider.

Individuals can go through the following points to understand how signing a BOR change form affects the existing broker:

  • Once a policyholder decides to change BOR, the current agent receives a notice from the insurance provider. The notice states that the insured has decided to move their policies to another agent. The existing agent gets a certain period to win back the insured. That said, they may waive the waiting period. 
  • The existing agent will get paid on the insured’s policy until it renews.


Let us look at this broker of record example to understand the concept better.

Suppose John Smith purchases a life insurance policy. He appoints an agent Phil Scott to assess the various options available in the market. The agent chooses an insurance provider named XYZ and handles the entire buying process on John’s behalf. John signs a BOR letter, stating that Phil is his insurance broker. Phil will represent John before XYZ; He will receive quotes, notices, and communications, serving as a representative of John.

BOR Letter vs. Letter Of Authorization  

Once individuals understand the broker of record meaning, they should know the differences between BOR and a letter of authorization.

BORLetter of Authorization  
A BOR letter is much more detailed than a letter of authorization.A letter of authorization is not as comprehensive as a BOR. Instead, it contains specific information, for example, the name of the insurer from whom the agent can obtain information.
A BOR letter gives an agent the right to negotiate with the insurance company on the policyholder’s behalf. A letter of authorization does not give a broker the right to negotiate on the insured’s behalf.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a broker of record in real estate?

A broker of record in real estate refers to a type of broker whose responsibility is to ensure that the real estate organization adheres to the local codes and regulations. Thus, a BOR plays a crucial role in ensuring that the firm is not operating illegally.
They check if all the members of the real estate firm have the required license to prevent any legal trouble.

How do I rescind a broker of record letter?

After signing a BOR letter, a policyholder has 5-10 days to cancel it by signing a rescinding BOR letter. This document will make the original BOR signed by the insured null and void.

How to write a broker of record letter?

A BOR letter must have the following details:

Name of the selected agent
The effective date of agent appointment
Name of the group plan
Terms allowing termination of BOR appointment

If one is using a broker of record letter template, they must ensure that it has the necessary fields to enter the abovementioned details.  

Who signs a broker of record letter?

The policyholder or insured signs the BOR letter stating the name of the agent who will be responsible for representing them before an insurance provider.