Brand Strategy

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21 Aug, 2024

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Dheeraj Vaidya

Brand Strategy Meaning

Brand Strategy refers to the holistic approach adopted by a brand, company, or individual to build identification, favorability, and, ultimately, loyalty from customers and future customers. It includes different facets such as brand identity, values, colors, marketing materials, and storytelling, among others. It creates a perception or emotion that consumers tie in with the brand and its products or services.

Brand Strategy

Brand strategy development is crucial for building brand awareness and differentiation in the market, helping businesses stand out from competitors. However, it is not a guaranteed formula for success. It may face limitations such as evolving consumer preferences, competitive pressures, and unexpected market changes. Efficient implementation and constant adaptation are vital to acknowledge these challenges and maximize the benefits of this strategy.

  • Brand strategy refers to a detailed plan through which an individual or a brand intends to stand out from the existing players in the same segment of the market. 
  • The ultimate intention is to create an emotional connection with the customer that shall induce their loyalty toward the brand in the long run. 
  • The strategy must be in line with the brand's vision, values, and mission to resonate with customers or target customers.
  • A perfectly executed plan increases customers' perception of the brand's quality, reliability, and trustworthiness. This ultimately helps the brand stand above its competitors.

Brand Strategy In Marketing Explained

Brand strategy is a detailed plan that expresses how a company intends to establish, develop, and manage its brand to achieve particular business objectives. It involves a strategic approach to defining the brand identity, positioning, and differentiation in the market. 

A well-curated brand strategy concentrates not just on visual elements like logos and colors but also on the brand's personality, messaging, and the overall experience it offers to customers. In its most actual essence, brand strategy begins with an in-depth understanding of the potential customers and market dynamics

Extensive market research is conducted to identify consumer needs, preferences, and behaviors, as well as to gain insights into competitors' strategies. This research forms the base for creating a unique value addition. This addresses customer needs and sets the brand apart from competitors.

Positioning is a crucial aspect of marketing brand strategy. It plays a central role in determining how a brand wants to be pictured in the minds of its target audience. It involves creating a distinct and favorable space in the market. This is often executed by leveraging unique selling points or fulfilling unmet customer needs. 

Implementation of the brand strategy involves integrating it into all aspects of the business, from marketing communications and product development to customer service and employee engagement. A successful brand strategy creates customer loyalty and influences their purchase decisions. 


Different elements come together to form a successful brand strategy framework. A few of these elements, such as colors or marketing materials, might sound trivial. Still, they play a massive role in putting together a successful image in the minds of target customers. A few of the most important elements are discussed below. 

  • Brand Identity: This includes all the visual and verbal elements that represent the brand, including logos, colors, typography, and brand messaging.
  • Target Audience Analysis: Understanding the demographics, psychology, and behaviors of the target audience helps curate brand strategies to meet specific needs and preferences.
  • Competitive Analysis: Assessing competitors' strengths, weaknesses, and positioning in the market helps identify opportunities for differentiation and competitive advantage.
  • Value Proposition: Articulating the unique value that the brand offers to its target audience helps establish a convincing reason for customers to choose the brand over other players in the market.
  • Brand Positioning: Determining the desired space the brand occupies from a consumer perspective in comparison to competitors based on metrics such as price, quality, and attributes.
  • Brand Messaging: Creating consistent and compelling messaging touchpoints that communicate the brand's value proposition and resonate with the target audience.
  • Implementation Plan: Develop a roadmap for executing the brand strategy, including timelines, responsibilities, and metrics for measuring success.


Every sale that an individual, small company or even a conglomerate makes is the result of a particular perceived value in the minds of consumers. Let us understand how companies curate brand strategy development on different fronts through the discussion below. 

  • Corporate Branding: Focuses on building a brand identity and reputation for the entire organization rather than individual products or services.
  • Product Branding: This type of branding centers on creating and promoting a distinct identity for specific products or services within the organization's portfolio.
  • Brand Extension: Involves using the existing brand superiority to bring forth new products or services in related or unrelated markets.
  • Co-Branding: Involves collaboration between two or more brands to create a new product or service that uses the strengths and reputation of each partner brand to their collective advantage.
  • Personal Branding: Involves building a brand around an individual, highlighting their expertise, personality, and unique attributes to establish credibility and influence in their industry or profession.

How To Develop? 

Now that the ebbs and flows of the brand strategy framework are clear, let us also touch upon the step-by-step process that provides answers to how to develop such a plan for the company.

  • Conduct comprehensive market research, competitor analysis, and internal assessments to understand the brand's current position, target audience, and competitor plans.
  • Clearly outline the goals and objectives that the brand strategy aims to achieve, such as increasing market share, enhancing brand awareness, or launching new products.
  • Create a distinct brand identity inclusive of all elements like brand name, logo, colors, typography, and brand messaging that align with the brand's values and resonate with the target audience.
  • Determine the unique value proposition and positioning strategy that sets the brand apart from other competitors and appeals to the target market.
  • Develop a communication strategy across various channels. This includes advertising, social media, public relations, and experiential marketing, to convey the brand's message consistently and effectively.
  • Create a detailed plan outlining the specific actions, timelines, resources, and responsibilities required to execute the brand strategy successfully.
  • Continuously monitor the brand's performance, gather feedback from customers and other stakeholders, and make necessary adjustments to the brand strategy to ensure its effectiveness and relevance in the market.


Going through enough theoretical material helps one understand the basics and a few intricacies of a marketing brand strategy. Let us now apply that theoretical knowledge to practical application through the examples below to understand the concept better. 

Example #1

Suppose Angelina, the founding CEO of Health-o-Mania, a healthy snack brand, wants to boost the market presence of her brand. She begins by defining her brand's values, focusing on promoting health and sustainability. 

Angelina and her team conduct market research to understand Health-o-Mania's target audience's preferences and needs. Subsequently, product development and marketing strategies are formulated. The team crafts a unique brand message and visual identity that resonates with health-conscious consumers. 

Through consistent communication and customer engagement through print and social media, Angelina and her team build brand loyalty and trust. She continuously monitors market trends and competitor activities. She also adjusts her brand strategy as needed to stay relevant and competitive in the dynamic snack industry. 

This detailed process not only drives the company's growth but also shapes its reputation as a trusted provider of nutritious snacks in the market.

Example #2

In February 2024, PUMA welcomed Julie Legrand as its new Senior Director of Global Brand Strategy, which marked a remarkable strategy adopted by the brand to strengthen its presence and reputation. Legrand has 20 years of experience in marketing and brand management, including her last role as Global Brand Director at H&M.

She will be responsible for defining and implementing PUMA's global brand strategy. Through her, PUMA aims to enhance its brand visibility and further strengthen the perception of the PUMA brand worldwide. PUMA's strategic priority is to elevate its brand presence and signals a commitment to strategic growth and development in the competitive sportswear market.


After discussing marketing brand strategy in such detail, it is vital to explore its importance and why companies go that extra mile to ensure this facet of their business is foolproof. Let us do so through the points below. 

  • A well-defined brand strategy helps differentiate a company's products or services from other players in the market. Thus, making it stand out and attract customers.
  • The strategy ensures consistency in messaging, visuals, and customer experience across all touchpoints. Thereby, improving brand recognition and building trust with consumers.
  • Effective brand strategy creates emotional connections with customers, nudging towards increased brand loyalty and repeat business.
  • A strong brand strategy communicates the value proposition of the brand clearly to customers, influencing their perception of quality, reliability, and trustworthiness.
  • Brand strategy allows companies to gain a competitive edge by establishing a unique position in the market and creating barriers to entry for competitors.
  • Investing in this process contributes to long-term business growth by building brand equity, expanding market share, and driving sustainable revenue growth.

Brand Strategy vs Marketing Strategy vs Business Strategy 

Both marketing and business strategy sound similar to brand strategy development. However, there are differences in their fundamentals and implications that we shall uncover through the comparative table below. 

BasisBrand StrategyMarketing StrategyBusiness Strategy
PurposeIt focuses on building a unique identity, personality, and conception of a brand in the minds of consumers.  They are concerned with promoting products or services to target audiences and achieving specific marketing objectives.  Includes the overall direction and goals of a company, including how it competes in the market and achieves profitability.  
GoalsIt aims to create emotional connections with customers and build brand loyalty over time.Utilizes market research, segmentation, targeting, and positioning to identify and address customer needs and preferences.Sets the framework for the organization's operations, growth initiatives, and long-term sustainability.  
FocusIt focuses on shaping the perception and identity of the brand itself.  Concentrates on promoting specific products or services offered by the brand.  Focuses on the broader organizational goals and competitive positioning of the company as a whole.  
ScopeIt operates at the brand level, defining its values, mission, and vision.  Operates at the product or service level, determining how to reach and engage target customers effectively.  Operates at the company level, guiding decisions about overall direction, growth, and resource allocation.  
TimeframeIt often has a longer-term focus, aiming to build enduring relationships with customers over time.  It may have both short-term and long-term components, depending on campaign objectives.  It typically involves long-term planning and decision-making to drive sustained success and growth.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to write brand strategy?

To write a brand strategy, start by defining your brand's purpose, values, and target audience. Conduct detailed market research to understand customer needs and existing competition. Then, develop a unique brand positioning and messaging that resonates with your audience. Subsequently, outline specific objectives, tactics, and metrics to measure success. Constantly monitor and adjust strategies based on feedback and market trends.

How to get into brand strategy?

While there is no one way to get into this industry, starting by gaining a solid understanding of marketing principles and consumer behavior, preferably through formal education, could be a good start. Seeking internships or entry-level positions in marketing or advertising agencies to gain practical experience can be massively helpful. Also, developing robust analytical, communication, and creative skills is a non-negotiable in this industry.

How much does brand strategy cost?

The cost in this regard varies widely depending on factors such as the complexity of the project, the expertise of the professionals involved, and the scope of the strategy. Small businesses pay a few thousand dollars for basic branding services. At the same time, more giant corporations could invest more than tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in comprehensive brand strategy development.

This article has been a guide to Brand Strategy and its meaning. We explain its examples, types, elements, and comparison with marketing & business strategy. You may also find some useful articles here –