Blockchain Oracles

Published on :

21 Aug, 2024

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Edited by :

Ashish Kumar Srivastav

Reviewed by :

Dheeraj Vaidya

What Are Blockchain Oracles?

Blockchain oracles are third-party data sources or services that provide external information to smart contracts on a blockchain. Their primary purpose is to enable smart contracts to interact with real-world data and events that the blockchain cannot access. This is crucial for blockchain applications that require data from off-chain source,.

What Are Blockchain Oracles

Oracles play a vital role in ensuring the trustworthiness and reliability of data fed into smart contracts, as their accuracy and security are paramount to the integrity of blockchain-based applications. In essence, blockchain oracles bridge the gap between decentralized blockchain networks and centralized real-world data, expanding blockchain technology's potential use cases and practicality in various industries.

  • Blockchain oracles are intermediaries that connect smart contracts on the blockchain with real-world data sources, allowing for the automation of actions based on external events.
  • They play a pivotal role in decentralized applications (DApps) by providing access to off-chain data, enabling a wide range of use cases across industries, from finance to supply chain management.
  • The benefits of blockchain oracles include data accessibility, trust, automation, and versatility, while risks include data accuracy, security, and centralization concerns.
  • Careful selection of Oracle providers, security measures, and ongoing monitoring are essential to ensure the reliability and security of oracles in blockchain applications.

Blockchain Oracles Explained

Blockchain oracles are intermediaries, connecting blockchain smart contracts with external data sources. They serve a critical function by providing real-world information, such as stock prices or IoT (Internet Of Things) sensor data, to smart contracts, enabling these contracts to make informed decisions and execute actions based on external events.

Oracles are pivotal in ensuring the accuracy and security of data integration, as they validate and verify information before smart contracts utilize it. This role is essential for the growth of decentralized applications (DApps) across diverse industries, as it expands blockchain technology's utility beyond its native data and enables it to interact seamlessly with the external world, fostering innovation and trust in blockchain ecosystems.


There are primarily two main types of blockchain oracles:

  1. Software Oracles: These oracles rely on pre-programmed algorithms and data sources to provide information to smart contracts. They fetch data from predetermined, trusted sources and feed it into the blockchain. Software oracles are typically used for retrieving data like market prices, weather updates, or other publicly available information.
  2. Hardware Oracles: Hardware oracles involve physical devices or sensors that collect real-world data and transmit it to the blockchain. They are often used in applications like supply chain management and IoT, where data from the physical world needs to be integrated with blockchain smart contracts. These oracles ensure data accuracy by directly measuring and verifying real-world events.

There are also various hybrid oracles and decentralized oracle networks that combine software and hardware oracles to provide a broader range of data and ensure the security and reliability of external information on the blockchain.


Let us look at examples to understand the concept better.

Example #1

As per an article by Nasdaq, oracles have expanded their utility by incorporating artificial intelligence into transmitting real-world data to blockchain networks. For instance, Oraichain, a data oracle platform, operates as a protocol. It aggregates and establishes connections between AI, APIs and various entities like smart contracts, decentralized applications (Dapps), and conventional applications.

Within this framework, smart contracts gain the capability to solicit real-world data through AI APIs, allowing, for instance, a deep learning program to request data via an oracle, bypassing direct user involvement. Oraichain further enhances its functionality through an artificial intelligence marketplace, allowing users to explore and experiment with diverse AI algorithms developed by data providers and community members. In cases where users cannot locate the specific AI algorithm or service they require, requests can be initiated via a portal.

Example #2

Consider a farmer named Alice who purchases a weather insurance contract through this blockchain-based system. She sets a condition that if the rainfall in her region falls below a certain threshold during the critical growing months, she should receive compensation to cover her losses. The blockchain oracle continuously fetches and verifies real-time weather data throughout the growing season. If, at any point, the rainfall falls below the threshold, the smart contract is automatically triggered. Alice receives a payout directly to her blockchain wallet. This transparent process doesn't require Alice to file a claim or wait for manual assessment.

Use Cases

Let us look at its use cases:

  1. DeFi (Decentralized Finance): Oracles are crucial in decentralized lending, trading, and derivatives platforms. It provides real-time price feeds for cryptocurrencies and traditional assets. They enable automatic liquidations, interest rate adjustments, and other financial actions based on market conditions.
  2. Supply Chain Management: Blockchain oracles can integrate data from IoT devices and sensors. It helps to track the movement and conditions of goods throughout the supply chain. This ensures transparency and traceability, helping prevent fraud and improve product quality.
  3. Insurance: Smart contracts in the insurance industry rely on oracles. It helps to access external data sources like weather reports or flight information to trigger payouts automatically in case of specific events (e.g., delayed flights or natural disasters).
  4. Gaming and Betting: Oracles provide real-time data for events like sports scores or random number generation in online gaming and betting platforms. It ensures fairness and transparency in outcomes and payouts.
  5. Real Estate: Oracles can verify property ownership records from external databases, facilitating property transactions on blockchain-based platforms.


Let us look at the benefits of blockchain oracles:

  1. Data Accessibility: Oracles enable smart contracts to access real-world data, expanding the potential use cases of blockchain beyond native data sources. This accessibility is crucial for applications that require external information.
  2. Automation: Smart contracts can be executed autonomously based on real-time data provided by oracles. This automation reduces the need for intermediaries, streamlines processes, and minimizes the risk of human error.
  3. Trust and Transparency: Oracles enhance trust by verifying and validating data from external sources before it's used in smart contracts. This transparency ensures the accuracy and reliability of data on the blockchain.
  4. Diverse Use Cases: They facilitate various applications, from DeFi and supply chain management to insurance and healthcare, making blockchain technology more versatile and applicable across various industries.


Let us look at its inherent risks and challenges:

  1. Data Accuracy: Oracles rely on external data sources that may not always provide accurate information. Malicious or compromised oracles can feed incorrect data to smart contracts, leading to incorrect or unintended outcomes.
  2. Data Manipulation: External data sources can be vulnerable to manipulation or hacking. If an attacker gains control of an oracle, it can tamper with the data it provides. This leads to financial losses or other adverse consequences.
  3. Centralization: Some oracles may introduce centralization into decentralized blockchain systems if they rely heavily on a single trusted data source. This central point of failure can undermine the decentralization principles of blockchain technology.
  4. Privacy Concerns: Oracles may expose sensitive data to the blockchain, raising privacy concerns. Even if the data is hashed or encrypted, its presence on a public ledger can be a privacy risk.
  5. Reliability: The availability and uptime of oracles are critical. If an oracle experiences downtime or becomes unresponsive, it can disrupt smart contract functionality and cause financial losses or delays.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the difference between a blockchain oracle and a smart contract?

A blockchain oracle and a smart contract are two distinct components of blockchain technology. A smart contract is a self-executing program with predefined rules that automatically execute actions when specific conditions are met on the blockchain. In contrast, a blockchain oracle is an external data source or service that provides real-world data to smart contracts. Oracles enable smart contracts to interact with information outside the blockchain, making them more versatile. While smart contracts enforce the rules and logic of an application, oracles supply the data needed for these contracts to function accurately.

2. Are blockchain oracles necessary for all blockchain applications?

No, blockchain oracles are not required for all applications. They are most useful when an application needs access to external data or events to function correctly. Oracles may not be necessary for purely on-chain applications that rely solely on data within the blockchain network. However, many real-world use cases, such as DeFi, supply chain, and IoT applications, greatly benefit from oracles to bridge the gap between blockchain and external data sources. The decision to use oracles depends on the specific requirements and goals of the application.

3. How to ensure the security of blockchain oracles in applications?

Ensuring the security of blockchain oracles is essential. Here are some best practices: choose reputable Oracle providers with a track record of security, implement multiple oracles, use data consensus mechanisms to reduce the risk of a single point of failure, and use encryption and hashing to protect sensitive data transmitted by oracles.

This article has been a guide to what are Blockchain Oracles. Here, we explain it with its examples, types, benefits, risks, and use cases. You may also find some useful articles here -