Aggregate Limit

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What Is An Aggregate Limit?

An aggregate limit refers to the maximum coverage amount set by an insurance company for loss coverage during the policy period of an insured. It aims to give sufficient financial protection to the insured against numerous claims during the policy period while protecting insurers from financial strain from excessive and unlimited claims.

Aggregate Limit
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The limit applies on all claims for the total payout including the defense costs and legal fees. The limit represents the insurance company's maximum amount payable for total covered claims within one year of the policy period. Policyholders can customize their policy coverage as per their funds and risk exposure.

Key Takeaways

  • An aggregate limit is the maximum policy coverage amount established by an insurer for loss coverage during an insured person's policy period.
  • It is crucial for insurance companies to provide adequate coverage, set affordable premiums, limit liability,
  • prevent unexpected claims, ensure stability, and allow the insured to tailor coverage accordingly.
  • It limits of aggregate decide the total payout for policyholders during the entire duration of the policy,
  • whereas occurrence limits only allow the maximum amount a policy would pay to the insured regarding any single claim or incident.

Aggregate Limit Of Insurance Explained

An aggregate limit can be stated as the maximum predetermined amount that an insurer is obligated to pay to cover all losses of an insured during one year. It remains separate from per per-claim limit of the general aggregate limit that restricts single incident payout as it becomes applicable to aggregate payout for every claim, including various charges. Further, the limit of the policy resets with the renewal of every policy. 

When the losses paid in covered areas reach the fixed aggregate limit, then that particular aggregate limit in insurance gets exhausted. As a result, any other loss coverage in those areas won't be paid under the terms of the policy. However, the insured can only claim coverage within the policy, only those claims that result from specified exposures. 

Its implications have to be understood clearly to avoid out-of-pocket payouts and anticipating numerous claims or being involved in high-risk activities. It is because multiple claims lead to insufficient coverage, trouble in getting future coverage, and limited protection to protect from catastrophic losses. It also helps insurers in lowering their premiums to make it affordable for consumers and handle their risk exposure. 

They form an integral part of different types of insurance policies like professional liability (PL) and commercial general liability (CGL). Insured can opt for higher limits of aggregate on their policies but they have to pay higher premiums. Policyholders can also tailor their limits to suit their situation and needs. They have impacted the insurance policy cost as higher premiums are associated with higher limits. 


Let us use a few examples to understand the topic.

Example #1

Suppose Jenna has purchased a liability insurance policy having a limit of $120000 and per claim limit of $30000. During the purchasing year, she faces multiple claims with the first being a claim of $40000. Hence, the insurer pays her an amount of $30000, which is the per-claim limit. Afterward, Jenna had to file two more insurance claims of $25000 and the next one for $30000. 

As a result, the insurer pays both the claims in full, amounting to $55000. Hence, Jenna exhausted her $85000 limit after three claims. Now, her fourth claim, which amounts to $50000, is filed with the insurance company. However, since only $35000 was left of her limit, Jenna only received $35000 and the rest amount of $15000 has to be borne by her.

Example #2

Let us assume that a company called Greentech Solutions in Old York City has set $20 million as an annual limit on their business-related insurance policy as they have to face a number of claims. Recently, many lawsuits concerning defective items cost them dearly at $8 million; a fire broke out in a warehouse asking for a claim of $10 million, and an injury settlement of an employee led to a claim settlement of $7 million.

Now, all these claims total $25 million, but the Greentech company has a policy of a $20 million limit. Hence, the company will only get a coverage of $20 million and the rest amount of $5 million will have to be borne by the company.


It plays a vital role in an insurance company's operations, as listed below:

  • In the event of numerous claims, it saves the company from paying excessive amounts to the insured unexpectedly.
  • It allows insurance companies to set the premiums at an affordable level for all their insured customers.
  • It helps in limiting the liability of the company.
  • It leads to the stability of insurance companies.
  • It makes provision of adequate coverage to the policy holders. 
  • Insured entities or individuals can design the insurance coverage appropriately as per their current budget and risk exposure within the limit.

Occurrence Limit vs Aggregate Limit

Both these terms define the maximum amount of payouts. Nevertheless, these do so under separate settings, as shown in the table below:

Occurrence LimitAggregate Limit
 Occurrence limits only allow the maximum amount a policy would pay to the insured regarding any single claim or incident.  On the contrary, the limits of aggregate decide the total payout for policyholders during the entire duration of the policy.
Applicable to every individual incidence irrespective of the quantity of claims resulting from it.Applicable on the cumulative sum of complete claims made during the one-year timeframe.
In the situation of reaching the occurrence limit, then any additional claims to the related incident get rejected by the insurer.After reaching the limit, no other claim is entertained for coverage by the company. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


What is an aggregate limit banking?

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What is the maximum aggregate limit of indemnity?

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What is the difference between general aggregate limit and aggregate limit?

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What is the aggregate limit on credit cards?

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