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How To Calculate?
Let us look at the active share formula to comprehend the concept better:

w = asset's weight (the number of shares multiplied by its price).
w fund,i = the fund's weight
w index,i = the collective weight of the entire index.
N = the total number of shares in that particular index.
Let us look at some examples to comprehend the concept better:
Example #1
Suppose Fredrick is a portfolio manager working in Guardian Assets Ltd. They operate and handle assets of different funds. However, Fredrick calculates this share percentage of the growth funds. So, let us use the formula for calculating the value.

= 1/2 * |100% - 45%|
= 1/2 * |55%| or 55%
= 27.5%
Here, 100% refers to the weight of the growth fund. In short, it refers to the percentage this fund holds in its entire portfolio. As a result, in this case, the entire fund comprises stocks in the growth sector. Whereas, compared to the market index, the share of the growth fund is only 45%. Thus, the active share of the portfolio is 27.5%. It depicts that the growth fund is less diverted from the index's performance.
Example #2
Consider a manager who handles different stocks in the portfolio of his client. In addition, each fund comprises different assets. So, let us look at them:
Stocks | Portfolio (%) | Index | Difference |
Apple Inc | 45 | 50 | 5 |
CVS Health | 30 | 15 | 15 |
Mondelez International | 12 | 30 | 18 |
Eagle Materials | 13 | 5 | 8 |
Total | 100 | 100 | 46 |
Active Share = 1/2 * 46% or |46|
Here, the active share value is 23%, which shows how close the portfolio is to the market index.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Active share is a metric that gauges the difference between a portfolio and its benchmark index. It is a percentage of the number of stocks in a portfolio and its difference compared to the market index. However, while calculating this percentage, the value is in modulus, which later converts into a positive correlation.
Although there is no metric to understand a good number, the percentage lies between 20% to 100%. If it is between 20-60%, it is closely linked with the market index. In contrast, a percentage of more than 60% is highly diverted from the index.
Active shares give a measure of active management of portfolios. These shares should include both cash and other securities. According to CFA, including cash and other equity in its calculation is an important step.
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This has been a guide to Active Share and its definition. We explain the topic, including how to calculate it, a comparison with active risk, and examples. You can learn more about it from the following articles –